September 12, 2011
Life is CRAZY busy!
It's been forever since I have posted. Life got really crazy this summer. I figured with Facebook, at least most have been keeping up with what we've been up to.
We are doing well in Iowa. It was a REALLY humid summer this year. We are cooling down now, in fact I have had to get out the sweaters.
The summer started out we me as the Ward Camp Leader for our ward. We drove south of Cedar Rapids and stayed at a beautiful campground. In tents. It's been a long time since I have camped in a tent. It was hot and humid when we got there and set up our tents. The next 3 days it rained. So atleast we got relief from the heat and humidity. Our tents stayed dry so that was all that mattered. We won best banner and best dutch oven dessert!!!
The boys went to scout camp. I was hoping for a week away from them (yes...i do love them), but one day I had to go be a leader. It wasn't too bad, I sat and read a book.
Hunter decided to detassel this summer. It's hard work, but he enjoyed the pay when it was over. He thinks it awesome to have money....why yes, is.
Hayden and Hunter played in a football camp. It's the time they weed out the weak players. My boys did ok. They are both playing football for their class..9th for Hunter and 7th for Hayden.
Towards the end of school last May, I really noticed how Hayden was squinting alot. So I finally took him in...yep...near sighted. He wears glasses now. And when I brought the glasses home for the first time, we were in the kitchen. He looked out the window toward my car which is about 20 feet away and he said "mom, I can read your license plate now". I about cried. I didn't realize how bad he really was. He could see each blade of grass instead of a mess of green. I was really shocked that none of his teachers ever said anything to me about it. He looks so grown up now.
Lindsey is still cute charming Lindsey! She still has her dad wrapped around her finger. Spoiled is more like it! She is getting so good at violin. She is participating in the early morning orchestra rehersals with the other schools again.

Speaking of early morning.......yep....early morning Seminary has begun! Hunter has to be there at 6am. The first 2 weeks were hard. I brought a blanket and a pillow and slept in the car while I waited for him. We live 20 mins away, so it wasn't good for me to go back home only to turn around to come back. Now, I am getting used to getting up. I drop him off and go workout at the gym. Sometimes some of the other moms come, so that makes it easier! It's starting to get cold in the mornings, so as the winter aproaches, we will see how motivated I will be to get out of a warm car. I need to ask Santa for a remote starter!
Kevin has been working like crazy. He was able to attend a conference in San Diego this summer. He planned his flight to stop in Arizona. He was able to stay a night on the way there and on the way back. So he was able to see his family. It was also nice for him to be able to hang out with a childhood friend in San Diego. Lance Varney was at the same conference.
I have been working all summer. I work at Kevin's work, but in a different department than him. He is on the digital photo side, I am on the film side. The spring and summer are their busy months for film. So the extra money was nice. It was also nice that I have a wonderful friend, who all summer, would come get my kids and take them to the pool. They weren't stuck at home. It's wonderful having someone care that much! Now I am back at the Jr High doing "Food Catering"....that's what I am calling it. It's so much fun this year. I kow so many kids and I see both my boys, and all their friends from church. Luckily the job at Kevin's work is slowing down so I am home more.
It's been fun watching the boys play football for the school. Hayden's first game was last Thursday. Holmes (the boys school) was beating the visitors. Hayden was able to make a catch and scored a touchdown!!!! I was soooo proud of him!!! The coaches say he is doing really good and they enjoy him on the team.

(Hayden is the one on his hands and knees...the ref has his hands in the air!!!
Hunter is doing well on his team. He has been making good tackles. He has also introduced our family to air soft guns. Holy cow!!! Now the boys and Kevin have guns and we call about 9 other kids over and have a war. They LOVE the yard here. They got to get it in before the snow comes.
This winter Hayden will be doing school basketball and a tournament basketball league. That will keep us busy!!
During the summer, our only vacation was for a weekend to Valley Fair in Minnesota. SO MUCH FUN!!!! It's so much fun having kids that are not afraid of coasters...and they are willing to sit in the front seat with me on the scary rides.
Waterloo airport which is about 10 mins from our house, had their first air show. I absolutely LOVE air shows. My fun story happened 2 days before the show. The Air Force Thunderbirds came to the show and one day after work, they were practicing. They kept flying over my house. So I went outside to watch them. I sat on the grass wearing a red shirt next to the corn field. So after awhile of flying, two of the planes were gearing up to fly over the house together. As they were approaching side by side, one moved over to fly over my head and as he did he "waved" his plane at me. He was waving hello!!! I was so stunned. It was such an awesome sight. And the fact that there are not other houses near mine, I know it was for me. So I was geared up when Saturday came and we went to the air show. They even had a stealth bomber fly over 3 times. That plane is amazing!!! I couldn't believe how quiet it is. So we had a wonderful time at the show.

So here we are into the school year. Lindsey loves being in 5th grade. Her teacher is the same 5th grade teacher Hayden had. She has her best friend Sydney in her class...oh...and the cute boy she likes is in there too. Hayden is happy he is finally in Jr High. He doesn't have the boyish look anymore...he is a handsome young man. Hunter loves being the big 9th grader. He gives Hayden pointers on what not to do. I can't believe we have already started planning for the college he wants to apply to. He is one dedicated kid!!!
So that's our family doings wrapped up in a tight little blog. We hope everyone is doing well and pray often for you!!
1 comment:
I hope you don't mind that I tagged in after reading Camille's blog. VERY fun! Loved reading about the air show practice. I just love seeing the jets in formation as they practice. And you got waved at! Awesome woman!
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